Saturday, June 30, 2012

Home sweet home

Week 1 accomplished and conquered. I started both my jobs and even thinking of pursuing another one (I have my reasons to this madness). Beachcomber has been so much fun (especially that shift drink), cleaned out this back room at the house and made it into my own, and have been really settling into the Petersburg ways. And for all that know my FABULOUS eating and exercising habits, believe me when I say it's practically been a 180 over here. I bike ride everywhere, I eat salad, I love fish, I try something new WILLING everyday it seems, and I got a second ear piercing?! Is this real life? This past week I went to the famous summer solstice party where it seemed like the whole town was there. The house is best described as a treehouse and has a pathway down to the rocky beach where we had a HUGE bonfire. Nothing but good company and awesome Alaskan beers. The next day we went to the creek at low tide to enjoy some beach time, which quickly turned into a sand storm with the raging wind blowing. Since we all couldn't fit on the boat at once a few of us took a mile-ish long hike through Kupreanof (Island across from PSG) and it was beyond beautiful. The bear poop along the way didn't help my fear of creatures in Alaska though... 

Besides my inconceivable new ways, the weather has been you're typical San Francisco summer (eh? eh? Any San Franciscans out there?) and the glorious 4th of July is coming soon! Just to give you an insight of how important this day is to PSG, they care enough to shut down the whole town and make it a week long event. The street is filled with games and activities, fireworks everywhere (not my favorite, but that's what alcohol is for), the Beachcomber has a pre-party the night before with BBQ and fireworks off the dock, and the night before that the staff has a party to set up the pre party. You following? Alright, lets move on....

I still can't get over this small town vibe of saying hello to everyone. I was talking on the phone today with my mom and I had to stop every so often because I was waving and saying hi to people. Last night was ladies night at the bar (please take a minute and notice "the" in front of the word bar) but the exhaustion of the restaurant wore me time time. To eliminate confusion PSG graciously has only one of everything, "the" store, "the" bank, "the" movie theater (aka middle/high school gym). I may be sounding sarcastic, but this not-making-choices thing is really relieving. Also my coffee intake has drastically increased only because I feel darkness = bed time. Well...since it doesn't get dark here my insomnia has kicked into high gear. 10pm here is like 6pm back at home....then I wake up at 4AM thinking it's 9AM. Bizarre feeling to say the least. Here are some more pictures, I will put some up of the town next week from my 4th of July festivities! 

Boat ride to the creek at low tide

View of my hike in Kupreanof

Bonfire on the beach!

Second piercing in the back of a store

After work food, Chicken Piccatta and Cesar Salad

My bed! Any decorating ideas?


My colorful bathroom!

Typical PSG day

Saturday, June 23, 2012

No, you can't see Russia from my house

Okay, I can't use "never have I ever had fish" again! So far I have seen and met most of the town, set up my jobs for next week, went "off the road", and tried new food! Miss Heidi Lee (Maya's momma who I am staying with) hooked me up with an AWESOME bike, with whom I call Pink Lady. The house is beyond adorable with every room different colors. This Stars Hollow town is small, but clearly has character. I don't go a day without waving to people or people waving to us.

To back up a little bit, my flights here were long starting at 6:30AM in Oakland to ending up in Petersburg by 4:15PM (5:15PM Pacific time). Pretty much no delays, but needless to say it is not easy getting here. I'm training next week at the Mental Health Center to set up for my OWN CLIENTS?! Anyone? Anyone? Try to get me a job like that California! I don't think I can go on describing this town here are some pictures I have captured so far!
Flying from Juneau to Petersburg (24 min flight)

My house for the summer!

Beachcomber at 10pm

Rode Pink Lady to Sandy Beach!

Protection at it's finest. Leia (half wolf/half husky)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Final phases of packing

One bag over 50 pounds, another right at the edge....and I'm not ever fully done. WHAT DO I TAKE OUT!?

Sweatshirts/jackets? No. I'm going to Alaska.

Shoes? Maybe I can lose a pair or two...

Shirts? I can't guess what I will feel like one day. Must have options.

Cardigans? Mehhhh my favorite piece of clothing!!!

Other than my stressful packing I leave for SoCal today and then Vegas next Friday! Less than two weeks and I will be reporting from my new native land!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Packing-Phase 1

Bring half of what you think you need, and twice as much money

Uhh, I don't think that is going to happen! How do you expect me to know what I want to wear in unknown weather, pah-lease. Needless to say my recent obsession with True Blood has gotten me through my long days of packing....but not so much cutting down. Packing for the whole summer is really hard! Also my packing is even more complicated as I am packing for a week long trip to SoCal (Whhhhadup Disneylannnnnd!) and 6, yes 6, days to Vegas. Please packing me the way to simplicity. 

Besides packing I have only one week essentially to get things together. I need to see friends who I won't see the whole summer, I have baseball games to go to (A's vs. Rangers monday @7!), doctor visits, target runs, and the list goes on and on. Regardless of this packing frenzy, I am 1) Glad it's keeping me busy, and 2) Excited beyond BELIEF! Not only for Alaska, but for spending practically a whole week at Disneyland, then spending time with all my friends in Vegas (and my birthday!). Oh, and I guess graduating college!? Someone pinch me.

If anyone has packing suggestions, I'd be much appreciated...clearly I'm not cut out for this.

Think Sunshine and Rainbows