Sunday, June 3, 2012

Packing-Phase 1

Bring half of what you think you need, and twice as much money

Uhh, I don't think that is going to happen! How do you expect me to know what I want to wear in unknown weather, pah-lease. Needless to say my recent obsession with True Blood has gotten me through my long days of packing....but not so much cutting down. Packing for the whole summer is really hard! Also my packing is even more complicated as I am packing for a week long trip to SoCal (Whhhhadup Disneylannnnnd!) and 6, yes 6, days to Vegas. Please packing me the way to simplicity. 

Besides packing I have only one week essentially to get things together. I need to see friends who I won't see the whole summer, I have baseball games to go to (A's vs. Rangers monday @7!), doctor visits, target runs, and the list goes on and on. Regardless of this packing frenzy, I am 1) Glad it's keeping me busy, and 2) Excited beyond BELIEF! Not only for Alaska, but for spending practically a whole week at Disneyland, then spending time with all my friends in Vegas (and my birthday!). Oh, and I guess graduating college!? Someone pinch me.

If anyone has packing suggestions, I'd be much appreciated...clearly I'm not cut out for this.

Think Sunshine and Rainbows

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