Monday, July 30, 2012

I'm on a boat!

This is my 6th week here now and it's feeling like home more and more everyday. Last week might have been a little xtratuf for me, but this week definitely made up for it! Maya and I moved back into our house after house sitting down the street for a little over a week, which always feels nice. Aside from work, I got an opportunity to go up the creek, up the river, and see a glacier this week! By far another memorable experience here, and even though it was raining up the river I still had a blast. But Alaskan boat trips are not your typical summer boat trips. Instead of bikini's, sunglasses, and sunshine....we got mustang suits, jackets, and rain boots. Up the river are these natural hot springs and it's amazing! It's snowy mountains behind you, yet extremely hot springs that come from them? Such a relaxing way to end a long work week....

At work (Inga's) we are doing a fundraiser for the Klondike Run so we are putting on our very own Color Run here in PSG!! I volunteered to make the posters/design for the promotion (thanks RPT 400) and I was SO bummed I missed the Color Run in San Francisco this summer, I am so happy I will get a chance to do it here. Pictures from my adventures below! I should be back in the bay area mid September folks! Remember, adventure is out there!

Up the creek

Fishing up the creek

Too beautiful

Love these guys

Iceberg on our way to the Glacier! So pretty.


Goodbye glacier :(

Yes, we are standing on an iceberg

Sunset coming home from the glacier

Going up the river!
This girl 

Ready for the hot springs!

Alaskan boat trips

These glasses made everything look so sunny!!

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Extra tough week, yet my xtratufs are the ones that saved me. Ironic isn't it? Not to sound like a broken record, but this week was super tough! Inga's has been a great learning experience so far, I am becoming a better cook everyday--well prep cook. This week was a lot of panko-ing? panko-ed? panko-s? Yes. I think all of those are correct. It's breaded rockfish for the fish n chips we make and it is a messy job (pictures below!). On top of work, I got a chance to actually get out while the fisherman were in town. Monday we all went out to road at a camping ground and had a blast. We stayed out till 4AM which was a first because I got to see the sunset and sunrise in a matter of 4 hour period.

Other than that my week has been pretty busy with work, or so it seems. This week I've been really missing home, and I'm not sure why. I miss seeing a familiar face, I miss reminiscing on the good times, and I certainly just miss my own friends (yes, YOU!). Maybe it's small towns, maybe it's this town, or maybe it's my perspective, but it's a tough environment to be in constantly when you didn't grow up with the whole town. I've met some incredibly welcoming people, but this week in particular I was reminded of how much of an outsider I really am. Tonight though is the Inga's Galley's staff party at the Beachcomber (my other place of work!) so I'm excited to have some down time with my staff members. We also got some sick shirts from my bosses old business "Two Chicks"(picture below) based in Sitka where she is from and soon getting our Inga's Galley shirts as well! Aside from my minor home sickness, just know it means I miss my friends. So to all of you guys, I'm sending a fat hug (because skinny hugs just aren't as good).


Best work shoes ever. Saved my feet this week!

Two chicks shirt

Inside into Inga's--small but we work hard!

Panko rockfish--made by yours truly

4AM in Petersburg

Saturday, July 14, 2012

All work and no play

Must be post 4th of july blues because everybody seems to be in work work work mode catching up on lost time. It's been my first full week at both Beachcomber and Inga's and let me tell ya folks, it is no easy task! My new crew at Inga's have already made me an honorary member by giving me a nickname that will be printed on a shirt for the world to see.....**drum roll please** Salmon Syd! Pretty catchy....and since it was the first fish I had ever tried, I believe it to be an appropriate one at that. Although my work days are long, I've somehow managed to mustard up the strength to go out after work every so often. For example, last night I was only going to stay for one drink (HA!). The fisherman were in town last night and that meant free drinks everywhere....especially since it was ladies night. One guy bought our whole table Grey Goose shots (Um, ew) but man you must be loaded to get 10+ people that. Bravo buddy on your apparent fishing success.

Back to the fisherman being in town...I am slowly learning the ways in which the town operates. When there is an opening, the fisherman leave town for 2-3 days at a time. Depending on how locally they are fishing, that is. So Sunday=No fisherman....but every two days or so they seem to come back. Clearly, I have mastered this schedule. Starting tomorrow though, Maya and I will be housesitting at this GORGEOUS house down the street. Built only a few years ago, they have every up-to-date appliances with every room being just as amazing as the last. My personal favorite will be the entertainment room, where your body just melts in the couch and the flat screen TV plays all day long. Needless to say, I am stoked. So this week was not crazy packed with adventure, but I leave you with the reality of working two jobs. But I promise you folks, adventure is out there!


Stores (aka Lee's Clothing!!)

View at the Beachcomber

Momma Lee always looking stunning 

My host parents for the summer, Momma Lee and Joe!

Working hard, or hardly working? Both, I'd say. 

After work food part 2, Halibut Bites (And shifty drink!) 

Kitos. Oh Kitos. 

Maria and I

Great coffee! 
Inga's Galley! job #2

Outside of Inga's Galley

Sunday, July 8, 2012

'murica the beautiful

What an eventful week folks! To give you an overview of last weeks festivities, let me begin with what I know you all have been waiting for....4th of July! My first event of the day was watching the parade, and it seemed the whole town was out celebrating. It was your typical 4th of July parade....firefighters/police, cheerleaders, local businesses, etc. The special thing about this parade that sets itself apart was how we got to see it TWICE! I was not kidding with the lineup, firefighters/police, cheerleaders, local businesses. So if you missed it the first time, don't worry folks, you have been deemed a second chance. After the parade, the staff from the Beachcomber all met up and went to the bar to start our long day. We eventually moved to the beer garder where I got really excited they were serving PYRAMID! A little piece of home was nice! Three...four....okay five beers later the Beachcomber crew went to see the egg toss with Momma Lee and Billy (Beachcomber manager/bartender). Next we went onto the food tent, where I got "Fry Bread" (alaskan native bread?), but basically tasted like a funnel cake. Finally we went to see the log races (2 people on a log in the harbor) where a sea lion decided to join the races at one point! We ended the night with a family dinner and fireworks at the baseball field (see video below...really). Overall FABULOUS birthday celebration, 'murica, you certainly know how to party after 236 years.

The next day was the start of my first day at my new job! I am now an employee of Inga's Galley, a food stand in town that sells Alaskan Native foods, seafood, burgers, etc. The employee's are trained to do everything, and that even means cooking! For now I am taking orders and preparing food! I made salsa, beef patties, breaded rockfish, korean beef, and cut produce. Haza! Yesterday was my first day working both Inga's and Beachcomber....and I surprisingly did okay. Inga's from 9am-3pm (plus a free meal!) then Beachcomber from 5pm-10pm. So today is my day off and I'm going to take total advantage of it by going downtown to get some comfortable work shoes at Lee's Clothing, groceries, and then go out with some of the Beachcomber crew for some drinks! Here are some pictures (and videos!) of this past week!
Tess and I bartending at the Beachcomber

Town folk watching the parade...again

Parade watchers

"Strut your mutt"

Smokey the bear

I couldn't stop laughing at this guy

Now I feel at home

Isn't this in California haha

11am start to 'Murica's birthday

Beer garden

Beer garden with Maya and Billy

Billy got camera shy

Cooking crew at the Beachcomber

Maria and Maya!

Duck Race

Log Race

Watchers of the Log Race