Saturday, July 14, 2012

All work and no play

Must be post 4th of july blues because everybody seems to be in work work work mode catching up on lost time. It's been my first full week at both Beachcomber and Inga's and let me tell ya folks, it is no easy task! My new crew at Inga's have already made me an honorary member by giving me a nickname that will be printed on a shirt for the world to see.....**drum roll please** Salmon Syd! Pretty catchy....and since it was the first fish I had ever tried, I believe it to be an appropriate one at that. Although my work days are long, I've somehow managed to mustard up the strength to go out after work every so often. For example, last night I was only going to stay for one drink (HA!). The fisherman were in town last night and that meant free drinks everywhere....especially since it was ladies night. One guy bought our whole table Grey Goose shots (Um, ew) but man you must be loaded to get 10+ people that. Bravo buddy on your apparent fishing success.

Back to the fisherman being in town...I am slowly learning the ways in which the town operates. When there is an opening, the fisherman leave town for 2-3 days at a time. Depending on how locally they are fishing, that is. So Sunday=No fisherman....but every two days or so they seem to come back. Clearly, I have mastered this schedule. Starting tomorrow though, Maya and I will be housesitting at this GORGEOUS house down the street. Built only a few years ago, they have every up-to-date appliances with every room being just as amazing as the last. My personal favorite will be the entertainment room, where your body just melts in the couch and the flat screen TV plays all day long. Needless to say, I am stoked. So this week was not crazy packed with adventure, but I leave you with the reality of working two jobs. But I promise you folks, adventure is out there!


Stores (aka Lee's Clothing!!)

View at the Beachcomber

Momma Lee always looking stunning 

My host parents for the summer, Momma Lee and Joe!

Working hard, or hardly working? Both, I'd say. 

After work food part 2, Halibut Bites (And shifty drink!) 

Kitos. Oh Kitos. 

Maria and I

Great coffee! 
Inga's Galley! job #2

Outside of Inga's Galley

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