Monday, August 13, 2012

What happens in Juneau, stays in Juneau

Who would have thought I'd get so excited to see a stop light? Or McDonalds? Traffic? Or....dare I say....Walmart! Being on an island for a few months makes you forget there is an actual world out there. My friend Maria and I took the ferry Sunday night (7:30PM) and wandered around in awe--there was a movie theater, arcade room, restaurant, and a bar! Since our ferry was getting in at 3:45AM we went searching for a spot to sleep for the night. The best part about the ferry is the solarium, which is for us poor folk who can't afford cabins. People have tents or you can sleep on these lounge chairs under an overpass with heaters. It was beyond peaceful sleeping!

So we land in Juneau and just as expected, nothing was open. So Maria and I walked around downtown and found a cafe that was attached to a hotel--a front desk lady saw us in the rain and let us stay in the lobby until the cafe open. SO NICE! Then after waiting an hour and a half, we ate and then hopped from coffee shop to coffee shop and proceeded to fall asleep in one of the cafes (yikes!). So we checked into our hotel, power napped, and then went up this awesome tram to the top of the mountain. We had a quick lunch and then headed to the famous glacier for the rest of the day. Our night ended with a famous shot called "Duck Fart" at the Red Saloon, and well, I'm going to leave the story there....

And that was only 48 hours worth of my week! NOW onto the PSG controversy of the week...Magic Mike. This small town theater is held in the middle school gym and is christian family owned, so this movie brings big problems. On one hand you can make a lot of money with us young folk, but on the other hand you can upset a lot of people. As one mother said, "There's too much dick"--if that's her selling point to not see it, I don't think it's working. So after three months of waiting....I will be attending the 7pm showing tonight of MAGIC MIKE! And for all those who know weeks movie is BRAVE (YAY)! Along with all of that, my good friend Maria left this week--so the whole Beachcomber crew went out to send her off with a proper goodbye, and again, I'm going to leave the story there...
Ready for the ferry

Goodbye PSG! 
Bar on the ferry

Solarium, how cool!

Juneau at 4AM

Walking around downtown 

Tram up the mountain

View from tram

downtown view from tram

1.5 mile walk to the glacier

So close!

Maria and I at the glacier and waterfall!

Famous Duck Fart, "chocolate milk with a kick"

Me, Maria, and Maya at Kito's!

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