Monday, September 17, 2012

Dear Alaska...

Dear Alaska,

You gave me the best summer a recent, lost, and unemployed grad could ever ask for. Not only did I adopt a new family, but a whole community. The community really got involved with our plans for Portland and everyone....and I mean everyone was interested in hearing about them. I got to wake up every morning and look at the most beautiful snowy mountains and feel the warmth of the town with a wave from someone as you walked down the street. I cannot thank you enough for the people I have met and what great souls they all were to me.

I got to take a the ferry, fly in a float plane, went commercial fishing, learned to cook, met AMAZING people, and be an honorary alaskan! I wouldn't trade this summer for the world. Now, with the thanks of miss Maya Holmes, I am moving to Portland to start my new adventure. We will be settling into our new place at the end of the month and I will be starting by BIG KID JOB as well. I cannot thank everyone who has supported me through this whole journey....including all my blog readers!! I had the most rewarding summer of my life and am happy to say Portland will be the next adventure. Here were some pictures of my last week in town...

As I like to say...this is not goodbye. It's see you later.


Your biggest fan

Classic Lindsay

Shift drink madness

Always a fun time at Kito's

Bye Inga's!!

This is adult sized rocking horse

Last night in Alaska! 

Deck view!


Left over alcohol anyone?

Staff deck party!

My Maya

Monday, September 10, 2012

How Dr. Seuss helped me make life decisions

“Adults are just obsolete children and the hell with them.”

Lately I've been using the "I'm young" excuse to just about anyone I talk to about moving to Portland. It's an excuse I've never used, but one I am very accustomed to at the moment. I know I am young, but with graduating college...I feel the pressure to suddenly become a "mature adult". I grew up faster than most, so it's mine time to be young. It's my time to not plan. It's my time. And Portland is something that can provide me that flexibility. Oh the places you'll go! As some of you may know, I have been collecting Dr. Seuss's series for a few years now and still have yet to get the full set. The reason is simple. Dr. Seuss helps me makes life decisions.

Silly you say? Naive you may think? Outrageous says the nonbeliever....well, you have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. Dr. Seuss has many books that seem child-like because of his rhythmic and tongue twister characteristics, but nobody really takes the time to really see what Dr. Seuss has to offer. Call me crazy or going overboard....but at least I make good decisions.

Why fit in when you were born to stand out?

You'll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut

If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good!

You are you. Now, it's that pleasant?

Step with care and great tact. And remember life's a big balancing act.

I think you get my point...but Dr. Seuss has helped me out. Laugh at my child-like enthusiasm, but everyone has someone to help guide them. For some it's God, for some it's their parents, others it's their peers. We all have our inspirations and this happens to be mine. And it's a good thing he is because you are looking at the new teacher at a child care facility in downtown Portland! I'll be starting at the end of this month and I am looking forward to my new adventure with miss Maya comrade, my partner in best friend. This is my last week in Alaska and I know I will be back, so goodbyes are out of the question. But I will sure miss this place.

You're on you're own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...

Maya help

Rainbow to wake up to!
Yes....I think I'm ready for you Bay Area

Nothing like it

Monday, September 3, 2012


Community. A unified group of people living in an area. People with common interests. The sense of belonging and safety. Petersburg gives you that, plus more. It's crazy to think I have exactly two weeks left here, but after looking over my summer...I know I have a lot of memories to bring back. The community has really taken me under their wing, and I feel a little overwhelmed by the gesture. I found myself learning things like leaving notes when you leave, telling people about your day, and contributing to the town as much as you could. I grew up doing things on my own schedule on my own time, and the people around me were busy because we had to be. But when someone stops and asks you how YOU are....not just saying it for small talk, it has really made me kinda emotional. I'm such an independent go-getter, I don't stop and smell the roses. So thank you Petersburg....for making me stop.

Like I've said, I only have two weeks left and the packing madness will soon begin. The BEST part is that Maya will be coming down to the lower 48 with me! Why you ask? Because I have made the decision to move to Portland with Maya! Everything like a job...or a place to live is still in the works, but we are slowly figuring it all out. I don't want to sit back and see me living at home "saving money"....for WHAT? I would rather be poor and having a blast with my best friend in a new town than be at home with no social life. And home will always be there for me when I need it. I'm really excited and no official dates are set in stone for when the big move is happening, but if any of you folks know of housing or more importantly JOBS in the Portland area....let this educated girl know.

Until next week, folks...

Family dinner!

Beautiful Day in PSG!

Crab potting with Tor

Erin! The happiest person I know
Having my first fireball shot

My partner in crime

The best ladies out there
Yes, we have a moose in our bar